Product Review - Trainer Kits

Today I will have a look at trainer kits and who would love these. We currently only have the latias / latios trainer kit in stock, but all the decks have a similar composition, so information here can probably be applied to any trainer kits released in the future.

What are they?

They're like Theme Decks, but instead of only having only one deck for someone to play, it contains 2 mini decks for people to learn the game together. The deck also comes with:

  • Booklet to help teach you the game
  • 2-player mat that has tips and some rules
  • Poison, burn and damage counters
  • Coin and deck box
  • Code card to play the deck online

So they are similar to theme decks, but are more ideal for those who want to learn with someone else, for example a parent and child, or siblings.

What's good about them?

They're designed to be played against each other, so they're similar power, meaning no one is going to lose over and over again just because their cards aren't as good. They're also mini-decks, so they're easier for small hands to hold and shuffle. It's also a lot easier to learn the game with a smaller deck as you get to know the cards better. Really, this is an ideal product for anyone new to the game.

Also, if you get sick of playing them as mini decks, you can combine them together to make one full deck. So if you decide to play with a full deck, you already have one ready! So it has many of the benefits of a theme deck too.

These decks also usually contain exclusive cards that are only in the decks, so you'll have some cards that none of your friends do! Unless they bought the deck too, of course. The decks between them also have 3 different energies, so if you decide to make a new deck, you have plenty of options.

Who would like this product?

Anyone new to the game or who likes to play casually. It's a perfect product for parents to use with their children. It's also the product I would highly recommend if it's for young children, as the mini deck is much easier for them to hold. They also usually contain really cool cover cards (Like Latias & Latios) so you'll always get a couple of cool holo cards. As a price per card, this is one of the cheapest sealed products, so it really is a great way to expand any at-home players collection.

Who may like something different?

If you've been playing for quite a while and want to get a bit more competitive, these decks don't contain any EX cards, so may not be as good as buying things like booster packs. Also older kids (9+) who want a bit more of a challenge may prefer theme decks because they contain more cards and also have more trainer and supporter cards.

Final words

This is a very good product for the casual market as it teaches everything you need to know to get into the game. I'd suggest pairing it with some packs from our bulk range (especially the 20 trainers / supporters / stadiums, because the deck doesn't come with many of these) so you have plenty of cards to switch up the deck. If this sounds like something you'd like, you can find them here!

Enjoy, and let us know what you think!

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