Top 3 Products Right Now and Why

This will give a quick look at the 3 top products available through the website right now. It will be through a combination of how competitive they are, price, availability and the "cool" factor.

3. Generations Booster Packs

These are selling out almost as fast as we can get them in! I've already written an article on why these are such a popular product (which you can read here) and they continue to be incredibly popular. They're more expensive than standard boosters, but that's because they can usually only be bought in the collection boxes. This way, if you'd like a couple of boosters but aren't particularly interested in any of the promos, you can get just the boosters and it works out a bit cheaper.

You can see the product here.

2. Charizard Red / Blue Collection Box

These have almost sold out! We're also unable to get any more, which is why they're being added as a seperate item than Generations Booster Packs. These boxes still contain the generations booster packs but also come with a Charizard EX as well as a figure. We've also seen a lot of people combining this product with the Charizard deck box found here, so there's obviously a lot of Charizard lovers out there! I can't say I blame you, charmander was always my favourite starter! This product went up one in the list simply because of the cool factor!

You can see the product here.

1. Fates Collide Booster Boxes

This one speaks for itself. A new set is always super popular. Not a lot has been revealed about the set yet, but as it is getting late into the competitive season, it's sure to have some great cards that will be a necessity for competitive play. This time is the first time we've also been able to offer 2 price choices for booster boxes. You can either get it on release (here) or you can choose to get it in the delayed shipment (here) and save yourself some money. Of course you can also purchase individual boosters (here). This is likely to be the set that is the last one before the National Championships, so it's set to be one of the hottest products we have this year.

Honorable mentions:

  • Mew Collection box - all sold out now!
  • Random Booster Packs - Continue to be a favourite for those seeking a bargain (found here)
  • Celebi Collection box - again, all these 20th anniversary products are incredibly popular. This just didn't make the cut because of the insane popularity of the Charizard. Can be found here.

Product profile